Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Seems like Yesterday

Today marks one month since Tynan's passing and it still hurts the same. People always say that it will get better but they don't usually say it has to get worse before it gets better. Our hearts are still empty and our eyes still fill up with tears just to think what could have been. But each day we do our best to hide our sorrow and put on a smile in our faces.

Our fears are for our daughter. Does she completely understand; does she really grasp all of this, and will we be there when she falls. For now we deal with it as most would do; one day at a time. We try to keep her distracted and busy.

We were given tickets to the PBR show in San Antonio long before Tynan left us; and so many people worked in making it all about him. He was to be the star that night or at least feel like it. When we lost Tynan, we had thought that we would not go without him; however Sykora changed all of that, and we couldn't be happier with how San Antonio turned out. Only God could plan it that well. We did not know that Fabiano would be dedicating his weekend to our Cowboy Angel. Nor did we know that most of the cowboys that night would be wearing a sticker on their vests that read "Tynan Tough" We only knew that we were going to meet him in person. We didn't even have tickets for Friday night ti about 3pm that day. While we sat in the crowd my brother received a text message that said something like....they are talking about Tynan on TV. I couldn't stop shaking. My emotions were all over the place. And never did we expect to have been put on live TV the very next day. I know in my heart without a doubt that my little man rode with Fabiano that night. That was his dream and that night he made his Gold Buckle Ride.

Thanks to each and everyone that made San Antonio a night we will never forget. We Love You ALL!

For those of you following our blog, we will continue to post updates on Sykora, and for upcoming Tynan's Crusade events. Thank you for following us through Tynan's battle and beyond!!!!

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